SECURITY WARNING AND DISCLAIMER WARNING: This free Service is an open network provided for your convenience and its use is at your own risk. It is available to the general public, and is NOT INHERENTLY SECURE. The providers and the City of Enid cannot and do not guarantee the privacy of your data and communication while using this Service.
There are potentially serious issues with any computer connected to the Internet without the appropriate security protection, ranging from viruses, worms and other programs that can damage the user’s computer, to attacks on the computer by unauthorized or unwanted third parties. By using this Service, you acknowledge and knowingly accept these potentially serious risks of accessing the Internet over an unsecured network. It is recommended that users take steps to protect their own computer system, such as installing current anti-virus software and maintaining appropriate firewall protection on their computer devices. For further information on how to protect your computer devices while using this open network, consult a security professional.
By using this Service, you acknowledge and agree that YOU DO SO SOLELY AT YOUR OWN RISK. Also, by using the Service, you agree to all terms set forth in the following Disclaimer.