Our Treatment plant is a two-stage activated sludge system. We have seven employees who perform operations, maintenance and laboratory analysis. Wastewater Management Services department is responsible for the Tertiary treatment of an average of 6.6 million gallons daily. Specific areas of responsibility include the annual treatment of 2.3 billion gallons of wastewater, the disposal of 7.76 million pounds of bio-solids, and maintenance of the facility and grounds. Of primary importance is compliance with NPDES (National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System). We consistently discharge treated water to Boggy creek that is far below the limits set by the state of Oklahoma.
The plant laboratory is staffed with two state certified laboratory technicians. Analysis is run on every process within the plant from the headworks to the bio-solids. NPDES permit limits are set by the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality for effluent Biochemical Oxygen demand, Carbonaceous Biochemical Oxygen Demand, Total Suspended Solids, Dissolved Oxygen, Ammonia pH, Copper and Hardness. All tests are conducted in-house except Copper and reported to the ODEQ monthly on a Discharge Monitoring Report. An independent laboratory does the copper analysis. The city’s lab is inspected annually by the state and tests are conducted for the Environmental Protection Agency annually by an independent firm. Passing the EPA QA/QC is a requirement to continue doing analysis in-house for reporting.
Contact Us
Call 580-242-4453, between the hours of 6:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. for questions or concerns about the treatment plant. After hours, weekends, or holidays call 580-242-7000.